“Be mindful. Be grateful. Be positive. Be true. Be kind.” Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

This year, I have found it harder and harder to motivate myself to get up and go in the mornings. Not that I am not functional, but that I feel I have lost some of the joy. When I felt like this before, I started a gratitude journal, finding something, even small, to be grateful for everyday. So, I have been trying this again. This morning it was the flower of this Dietes grandiflora (Fairy Iris), a plant native to South Africa. It brought back so many memories, and reminded me why California is feels like home. I am grateful for the experiences I have had living in different parts of the world and different climates. I am happy to be somewhere that holds so much comfort and familiarity. I found joy in this flower today! Here’s to a year of celebrating the joy, big or small. Each little microjoy adds up!