Hey there! I am Sarah Tribelhorn. I am married to Mike (here in out known as ‘Expert2’ based on a recent inspirational book* I read, and have two girls out of college (Girlchild1 and Girlchild2) (so am a (relatively) recent empty-nester, but that is another whole story!) I’m an academic librarian and scientific editor who loves to run, and this is my blog. I began blogging about five years ago when I was completely depressed about life (having moved from my home country, and realizing my children didn’t need me in the same way anymore, which is actually the goal) to find something I could be grateful for everyday. I really only let family and close friends know, and it has become more of a daily journal.

Through life experiences and my deep faith in the universe that has kept the light on, I have realized that daily gratitude brings me joy to help deal with what comes my way, in both happiness and sadness, and that it is infectious. I started this not because I am perfect and happy, mostly the opposite, but it has helped me in my search for happiness and joy. This is my daily journey, join me for some encouragement with gratitude, fitness (when I am motivated), and healthy eating (sometimes, mostly) through both good times and bad!

P.S. I forgot to add that I have been kept entertained on my journey by our three furkids…Campbell & Mouse who are frequent fliers having come along with us on our moves…because Ohana…and the newest addition (well, he has been with us for 8 years already), Riley. Plus a grandkitty – Momo! Oh, and did I mention Yazz? They are all rescues, and have actually rescued us. (Yes, I really have reached the manypaws stage of life).

*Triathlon for the Every Woman by Meredith Atwood = dreams and aspirations.