The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon 
which enables it to strike and destroy its victim. Sun Tzu
This morning when I woke up I was ready to get going on my weekly long run in preparation for my marathon in May. As I haven’t run a full marathon before, I am anxious to follow the training plan to a T and not miss anything. But, when I opened the blinds….it was snowing…SNOWING??? And not just a little, but some good flurries floating down! I was SO disappointed, but then decided to get up, get dressed, and prepare anyway…I just have to get these runs in, and 12 miles on a treadmill at the gym does NOT excite me. Within half an hour the snow had lifted, leaving a beautiful coating everywhere, with crisp blue skies…so off I went! I was rewarded along the way with a little more snow, but also with beautiful sights, such as this falcon just sitting in the tree above me…watching me, and no doubt annoyed that I had probably disturbed its prey. But, my decision to get out was excellent, and I was rewarded with the feeling of having accomplished my goal. Long run done, with stunning scenery along the way. I have learnt to try and run with my eyes wide open to catch the beauty all around me and remember why I am running: because I can, because I owe it to those who can’t, because it is my therapy, because I can help others through it, because it reminds me to be grateful for the little things every single day!

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