Sculpture is something you bump into when you back up to look at a painting. Ad Reinhardt
Long story, but based on a book I am currently reading where the author refers to her husband as ‘The Expert’ based on his knowledge of everything….Mike will now be called ‘The Expertoo” for the same reason (I am very pleased to be be married to someone who knows so much about everything…makes up for me knowing so little about most things!! They say marriage is a complement of each others strengths and weaknesses.) Anyhoo, while the Expertoo was out and about last week, he told me he came across a Riley statue, seemingly out of the blue and just had to show me. So, we went on a little expoitition….and found “Rusty” who was someone’s art project made of recycled material….but I swear he was based on Riley, down to Riley’s fav ball!! Pleased the Expertoo bumped into this!

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