“Don’t wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.” Steve Southerland

So, here’s a funny story! On our little walk today, the Expert2, Riley and I ventured onto a seawall nearby, as we regularly do, to sniff in all the rock crevices, and explore the area… when we saw an otter swimming by. Of course, this was cute to watch….then we saw a whole family of otters in a little cove, and Riley, being Riley thought it would be a good idea to join in the fun…with an enormous dive into the water…almost pulling Expert2 in after him! Luckily he was on the extendable lead…actually, luckily he was on a lead, otherwise who knows he would have swum to! Think he got a little fright at the cold water temperature. Thank goodness for teaching him to swim! His new name: Swims with otters. The moral of the story…don’t wait for your ship (or otter) to come in…jump in and swim after it! Embrace the moment!!

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