‘If you like looking at ‘Starry Night’ or water lilies or whatever, then why does it matter if it’s an original? If the artist is still alive, and you want to support them, I get it. But if you want some famous dead guy’s work, that’s just a way for rich people to show off. It’s the upper-class version of driving a giant Hummer.’ – Chris Cubas

I prefer the real thing to paintings, the amazing details and purpose of everything I see. But, I am in awe of artists that can capture this on canvas to share with those that have not witnessed it.  I can’t  bring myself to buy expensive art just for the sake of having it, but I cannot help taking photos of scenes that move me. I have opened my eyes on my journey of gratitude to noticing the small details all around me…and loved the giant water lilies all in flower on Lake Erie today. I could smell the scent of the flowers on the breeze, which make the scene come alive. The best part is that this is literally just down the road from us…so is somewhere I can visit often.

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