You can’t get better if you’re not consistent – Autumn Calebrese

In January I decided that I would not make a New Year’s resolution, but would choose a word that I would work towards. I chose ‘consistent’ and this has been by far the hardest resolution that I have taken on. In the beginning I felt like a failure when I was not doing anything consistently, but now, after a couple of months of staying at home, I have embraced this, and no longer beat myself up or feel guilty, but feel responsible to do something about it. So, at the beginning of quarantine I started an exercise challenge online, and this has become a more consistent part of my life. I am grateful for the signs of Spring and new blooms everywhere, indicating that there is new life all around, and a reminder that we too can start again, over and over and over. So, now I need to get my nutrition under control. I have decided that I have to work for what I really want, and stop making excuses as to why I don’t have what I want, or achieve the results that I want. I have also decided that it is okay to have a bad day, week, month, but mainly, to know that I will pick it up and start aiming for consistency when I can. I think that I have only just processed the last 12 months, with the loss of my parents, and effective loss of the family life we have known for the last 18 years as the GirlChildren are out the house, and am now finally at a place to move on. So, I am saluting CONSISTENCY…long may it last!

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