“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.” – John Muir

I am grateful that we have so many options so close by. Today was a little rainy on and off – which in itself is exciting, as I haven’t seen sustained rain since I arrived here. So, we changed it up a little and hit the trails down the road. We climbed up Cowles Mountain, part of Mission Valley trails. Riley thoroughly enjoyed the outing, and was caught more than once contemplating his kingdom below. Well, he could have been, for all I know. It was not a bright, sunny, blue-skied day, but it was great to get out and clear out the cobwebs (and lungs, from the climb up). Pretty awesome that you can see Lake Murray, and all the way to the sea, with the San Diego downtown skyline (if you look close enough!).

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