“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” – Buddha

I avoided the candy-high trick-or-treaters in the neighborhood last night as I was giving the gift of platelets. The place was decked out in full Halloween decor, and the phlebotomists were all dressed the part….yes, those are my little gift bags hanging nicely there. Hopefully they will soon be on their way to helping others in need. Am grateful that I am healthy enough to help those in need, content where I am, and have faith that everything works out as it is supposed to! (In case you were wondering, this photo is from a BeReal snap, and yes, I am (sort-of) dressed in Halloween garb…clearly a lot going on!!) On (another) side note…the procedure is carried out using both arms, so you have to lie dead still for 2.5 hours….so you get to watch Netflix for a little escapism. Last night, on top of everything going on, I got to escape to the adventures of Shamwari – the beautiful Eastern Cape in all her glory made my heart both happy and a little sad! Africa never really leaves you!

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