“I’m crazy about ducks and swans and geese, so I don’t eat foie gras. I try to eat organic.” – Anna Chancellor There is something majestic about swans, and for some time we have seen a pair in the neighborhood, and just yesterday, I asked Expert2 where the cygnets were, since we saw baby geese…
May 31: Feeling loved
“The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy.” – Henri Nouwen On Saturday nights since this has started, we have been part of a zoom-supper club to check in on local…
May 30: Running together
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller This was an awesome start to the day. Expert2 and I have not been running together because my slow pace frustrates him, and then I get grumpy, and it generally ruins the run. But today, I had a virtual 10…
May 29: Stormy afternoon
“Character is formed in the stormy billows of the world.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe I feel like everything around us is stormy at the moment – from the far-reaching effects of the coronavirus to the outcry as a result of obvious police brutality and racism. I pray that we learn through this together and…
May 28: It’s a dog’s life!
“Dogs die. But dogs live, too. Right up until they die, they live. They live brave, beautiful lives. They protect their families. And love us. And make our lives a little brighter. And they don’t waste time being afraid of tomorrow.” -Dan Gemeinhart, The Honest Truth It is truly a dog’s life in our house!…