“i am a little church(no great cathedral)far from the splendor and squalor of hurrying cities–i do not worry if briefer days grow briefest,i am not sorry when sun and rain make april my life is the life of the reaper and the sower;my prayers are prayers of earth’s own clumsily striving(finding and losing and laughing…
January 1, 2020
Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous new year by believing. Believe in yourself. And believe that there is a loving Source – a Sower of Dreams – just waiting to be asked to help you make your dreams come true. Sarah Ban Breathnach I know that the new year should not be…
October 30: Morning light
‘There are no sacred and unsacred places; there are only sacred and desecrated places. My belief is that the world and our life in it are conditional gifts.’ – Wendell Berry It is truly a blessing to be able to walk through the church when I arrive at work. Each morning is different, and the…
October 26: Fall for sure
‘The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.’ – Wendell Berry It is difficult to not want to take care of this Earth when we are presented with such…
October 25: Urban sunset
As you already know, Riley and I typically take variations of the same walk every evening before supper…and it is often past this old steelworks that they are in the process of dismantling. It provides a beautiful urban backdrop for stunning sunsets…and in the process of having taking numerous similar photographs I did not realize…