I believe in process. I believe in four seasons. I believe that winter’s tough, but spring’s coming. I believe that there’s a growing season. And I think that you realize that in life, you grow. 
You get better. Steve Southerland 
If I have learnt nothing else living in the Northern Hemisphere, it is that everything is a process and you just have to trust it. There is a season for everything, and nothing lasts forever…the cycle always continues. Winter has been tough this year, with us seeing the coldest temperatures we have ever experienced….but, it does not last forever, and while on our walk this evening, I caught a glimmer of spring. After a completely frozen river last week, the river has just a little ice at the edges, and we have had downpourings of rain….rather like spring, dare I say it!!! I am a little anxious to get too excited, but I do know that spring is on its way, with all the anticipation and excitement for summer to follow! Without all the change we would never grow, and not having anything to look forward to!

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