“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

This day marks MLK, Jr. day in the calendar, a day off work. Or, a day to reflect why we work and do what we do, and if our work really benefits others. I did not fall into the job I am in by mistake…it seems as though it was carefully crafted by a power much higher than myself. I was seeking other employment, but this job just seemed to align with a series of strange coincidences. In my job, have come to realize that mine is the background work of support to others that has the potential to uplift humanity, and with this in mind, I have tried to adjust my attitude to provide excellence in everything I do, and to try and be gracious about it. Note…I said TRY, since I often fail miserably at the gracious part, but I am, nevertheless, aware of this failing and am working on improvement…continually….and it is sometimes a challenge. But then, what is life if we are not challenged? Grateful that I can recognize my small part in the plan, and that I have the daily reminder of the RenCen that there is still much work to be done.

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