“Whether we stick by her or leave her shores, perhaps we should be mindful of what a privilege choice is, because those most affected by the country’s travails have precious few” – Zanine Wolf.

Very pleased to have had the day off today. Kinda cool in the middle of the week. Two days on, one day off, two days on. I could actually do this every week. Anyway, I had a chance to go for a relatively long run (with my trusty running partner) in the middle of the day (the middle of the day, because it took me all that time to get over procrastinating and actually get myself out there). I love to run, because it gives me time to be introspective, to reflect, to get rid of the rubbish I carry in my head, and of course, to solve the world’s problems. I was reflecting on lots of things, because I watched the reality show of the Address of the Union, and although I disagree with many things, I am very grateful to be living where I do, and have the freedom to go for a run without feeling threatened, and constantly living in fear. In fear for my children’s safety, in fear for my safety, in fear for the future and the uncertainty that might hold. I do not have that same fear here. And while I was already mulling over some of these things before my run, I was also mulling over an article that Expert2 sent me this morning about emigration by a freelance writer in South Africa, and am always trying to justify why we are on the adventure we are on. It resonated on so many levels (you can read it here), but ultimately l realized that we are so privileged to be on this journey, because many don’t have the choice. The grass is not always greener here….the infrastructure in some places, especially roads is in a state of disrepair…as can be seen in my photo. This bridge has been closed for some time, and will be closed indefinitely until there are funds to fix it. There is poverty. There is unemployment. There is homelessness. We will never quite belong. But still, there is freedom. Freedom is relative, but I am grateful that I can go for a run, and for all those that have sacrificed to ensure this freedom. I am grateful for the privilege of choice.

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