“The good man is the friend of all living things.” – Mahatma Gandhi

I like to think I am taking care of all creatures, and am a friend to all, so hopefully will be counted as a “good man”. I am loving my garden, and seeing the dear little hummingbirds at the feeder every day. Am excited that winter will not chase them away, and will get to enjoy their presence all year long. I am totally amazed at how much they eat. I have watched them interacting in awe for the last couple of months from communicating with each other to chasing each other away and fighting over the food. I have upgraded my feeder to one that has a bar around the edges, so sometimes they just sit there drinking for minutes at a time as they don’t have to hover. (And yes, I do clean the feeder weekly, and do not color the sugar water). Grateful to spend time in nature in my backyard without going anywhere.

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