“Our deep respect for the land and its harvest is the legacy of generations of farmers who put food on our tables, preserved our landscape, and inspired us with a powerful work ethic.” – James H. Douglas, Jr.

I love getting home on a Monday to my CSA delivery box from Yasukochi Family Farm. You don’t get to pick and choose what you want, but it is all handpicked, straight from the farm, AND it is delivered to my doorstep. It has challenged me to make sure I eat all my fruit and veggies, and also to think of new ways to prepare things, and to prepare things that I have not eaten before. I love seeing what changes in the box as the season progresses. Pleased that Girlchild1 and oDer (translated – significant other) live not too far away so I can share the spoils with them. I am deeply grateful for the sacrifices that farmers make to put healthy, fresh food on our tables while preserving our landscape. It has made me more intentional in choosing where I buy my food from, and also on trying to eliminate food waste from my kitchen by preparing and eating or using everything that I buy. I mean, this week I get to eat artichokes, asparagus, avocados, Japanese pears, pomegranates, and raspberries, in addition to loads of other things like a great big watermelon. AND, it’s cheaper than getting all these veggies from the store. A great reason to love Mondays!

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