My favourite places on earth are the wild waterways where the forest opens its arms and a silver curve of river folds the traveller into its embrace. Rory MacLean

Last weekend, after a couple of months of pestering, I eventually persuaded Expert2 that we need to get the double kayak down and on the river before it freezes over again…what you don’t understand is that I have had a couple of hissy-fits when we have tried to get it down as it is squeezed in between the two singles in the garage, suspended from the roof, but it takes a physics PhD to get it out over the garage door controller, avoid whacking the nose through the garage walls, and manouver past the cupboards that are now in the garage that were not there when the kayaks were first suspended! So, we did it last weekend and took it out for a spin….and made it home in one piece without falling out, and were miraculously still married!

So, yesterday and today we decided to try it again…oil the rust off the old arms and get moving. It could not have been a more beautiful day, the river was like glass, flat and reflective. We tried a different launch spot – Sunrise Park, and although did not get up early enough for sunrise did enjoy the beautiful vistas…and paddled across to the island and along the border between Canada and the US, and again, did not fall out! So, we are proud to be sitting in the same boat together on the third continent….you just never know where life will take you!

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