‘Taking care of your mental and physical health is just as important as any career move or responsibility.’ – Mireille Guiliano

With the decline of my Dad’s health, and his disappearance into his own world with the deepening of his dementia, I read up as much as I could about dementia and mental health issues. Also, with the history within my family of suicide and bipolar I was desperate to somehow give back or pay it forward to other families, to maybe help them, but I had no idea how to go about this. It is always amazing to me how things work out….just when I was giving up on this, I entered the Detroit Marathon a couple of months back, and found this amazing organization listed as one of the supported charities that has a grant dedicated to providing mental health care to those in need without the means to afford it. So, for the first time ever, I went about raising funds through my race dedicated to my Dad’s birthday and family. I have been totally driven to get out there and do this…while being a little overwhelmed at the same time. Anyway, took the t-shirt for the Mel Borstein Clinic out for a warm-up test run with my steadfast running partner, Riley, today! Can’t wait for the race tomorrow!

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